Hi! I’m Celine and I’m a mother of 2 Elementary aged kids. I came up with the idea of Listen, Learn, Celebrate when my daughter was in Junior Kindergarten. As a new parent to the school system I was shocked to learn how much extra planning went into many school theme days. I found myself scrambling the day before many theme days to find the correct colour shirt to ensure my kids felt part of the day. I wondered if other parents/guardians ever felt this way…completely overwhelmed and constantly under prepared. This is where Listen, Learn, Celebrate was born. I knew that theme days went far beyond the colour of the shirt.
I felt it was of the utmost importance to educate myself and my children as to why we wear specific colours on specific days. Combined with my Yoga Teacher Training (I’m currently completing my 500 hours), experience as a mother, and 5 years spent as teacher between Ontario and Alberta, I feel as though I have openness to learn and grow and try new things. I look forward to Listen, Learn, Celebrate acting as a vehicle of learning, conversation and growth for all who are involved.